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The Most Widely Attended Change Management Certification in the World

500+ managers across Europe have participated in our Prosci Certification program, giving the course an average feedback of 4.85 out of 5.

Value for the participant

  • Gain the internationally recognized Prosci Change Practitioner Certification – the world’s No.1 Change Management Certification course
  • Learn from the experience of 6,000+ organizations on what actually increases success in implementing changes
  • Develop an implementation plan for your project and learn how to apply evidence-based change management methodology and toolkit
  • Use the cutting-edge Proxima application to plan a change project from start to finish


October 9-11, 2024 – Prosci® Change Management Certification (virtual) – 2190 EUR
December 11-13, 2024 – Prosci® Change Management Certification (virtual) – 2190 EUR

The Change Practitioner programme is helpful if

  • You have a significant change challenge but need more knowledge and clarity on how to make it a reality
  • You want to achieve results faster, improve the effectiveness of implementation or meet a strategic goal for your organization
  • You want to achieve greater buy-in, so that people in your organization or team are on board with the innovations
  • You want to drive change in a more data-driven way
  • You want to increase your own and your team’s ability to manage change to achieve a competitive advantage

Program Benefits

Become Certified via Flexible Online Learning

Learn Prosci’s industry-leading change management methodology in an engaging online environment. Interact with peers, participate in focused breakout sessions, and more.

Grow Your Change Management Skills

Gain access to proven change management tools and methodologies, Prosci change management experts, and 25 years of industry research. And set yourself apart in the marketplace.

Help Meet the Strategic Objectives of Your Organization

Drive efficiencies and increase project ROI. Help employees adapt to change and improve company culture. Build your organization’s change competency one practitioner at a time.

Program Agenda


  • Welcome and Connection
  • Why do we need change management?
  • What are the critical change project success factors and how does our project stand against these? (Prosci Change Triangle Model)
  • How to achieve successful change adoption one person at a time? (ADKAR Model)
  • Prosci 3-Phase Process, Phase 1 – Prepare Approach: What are we trying to achieve? Who has to do their jobs differently and how?


  • Prosci 3-Phase Process, Phase 1 – Prepare Approach: What will it take to achieve success? Defining risk, resistance, resources, roles and roadmap
  • Prosci 3-Phase Process, Phase 2 – Manage Change: What will we do to prepare, equip and support people? Building ADKAR blueprint and change plans for your project


  • Prosci 3-Phase Process, Phase 2 – Manage Change: How are we doing? What adjustments do we need to make?
  • Prosci 3-Phase Process, Phase 3 – Sustain Outcomes: How do we review performance, activate sustainment and transfer ownership?
  • Deliver project presentations
  • Next Steps and Evaluation
  • Graduation

What is the Value of Change Management Certification?


Prosci certification as Change Practitioner is globally acknowledged by the ACMP and PMI.

Change Partners has delivered Prosci certification program for participants for example from the following international organizations:

After the Program

Once you become a Prosci Certified Change Practitioner, you will:

Receive Your Prosci Badge

Celebrate your certification by sharing your digital credential badge in your email signature, on your resume, and on social media platforms.

Join Our Dynamic Community of Practice

Collaborate with other practitioners in weekly calls to reinforce your learning and elevate your approach.

Have Support Available


We are here for you as you move forward on your practitioner journey.

Leverage Exclusive, Industry-Leading Tools

Receive a one-year subscription to digital content, resources and tools in the Prosci Hub Solution Suite.

What Participants Say

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