
The Value of Change Management Certification
Is certification really necessary? Doesn’t experience alone qualify us? Let’s explore the question—because the bottom line is that there are some definite advantages to receiving change management certification. The value of certification First, we can turn to the data. Participants in the Best Practices in Change Management – 2018 Edition were...

Navigating Change with the help of DiSC
People often have very different needs, even in the same situation. As leaders and managers, it's important to recognize that what we assume people need may not always align with their actual needs. If a manager has the capacity, DiSC can serve as a helpful guide, offering insights into what...

Do you know your people numbers?
We usually know very well EBITA, profit, cash flow etc, BUT: How many leaders do you have – let’s say 30 What is the turnover rate – let’s say 20% How many replacements are needed per year – 6 What is the cost of one replacement – 6-9 months salary ...

From Technical Expertise to Strategic Mastery: Progressing Through the Leadership Pipeline
Leadership ranks as one of today's foremost challenges. Every organization, regardless of size, must tackle this issue. Typically, a leadership crisis reflects a systemic failure within the company rather than just the shortcomings of an individual. A critical element of leadership culture involves the process of development and succession. The...

Developing a Leadership Pipeline
The Leadership Pipeline Model is focused on developing a structured framework for fostering leadership skills across various organizational levels. It assists organizations in identifying and nurturing potential leaders, ensuring that their growth is in line with the organization's goals. The model is particularly effective in creating a sustainable leadership culture,...

Leadership Pipeline principles are spreading – Change Partners now active also in 🇱🇻 Latvia!
We gladly announce that Inga Kalna and Regina Reke have joined Change Partners to promote Leadership Pipeline Institute® (LPI) solutions in Latvia 🇱🇻. Change Partners helps companies to achieve desired results at every level of management throughout the Baltics. The Leadership Pipeline offers first principles for mapping and building an efficient and agile leadership architecture, infrastructure, and operation...

Cooperation with the Leadership Pipeline Institute
We are pleased to announce that in 2021 we started cooperation with the Leadership Pipeline Institute in Denmark, which allows us to bring a globally recognized Leadership Pipeline framework to our customers. Imagine a company that has a CFO but does not have a budget process and no accounting...

Prosci Methodology Enhancements
Prosci is committed to continually searching for better ways to manage the people side of change. Part of Prosci's promise is ensuring that they provide the most up-to-date thinking, research and models within their programs. Each year they release updated content, program design, research and tool enhancements. This year's updates...

Using DiSC for the People Side Of Change Management
Organisations are constantly undergoing change. Whether organization is implementing a new strategy and culture or responding to market trends like digitalisation, change is a necessary and vital part of long-term organisational success. Yet, all too often, people react to changes so differently. Have you ever wondered why? What are some...

It takes more than building a beautiful ship
Changes ultimately come to life through the individuals who have to do their jobs differently as a result of a project or initiative. Whether the project involves a process impacting 15 people, new technology impacting 150, or a transformation impacting 15,000, the success of the project is inextricably linked to...

Fresh Teamwork Research: State of Teams
The way we team is more important now than ever before. Read the latest research report from Wiley to understand the challenges teams are facing today and how The Five Behaviors® could be the solution for building truly cohesive and effective teams. State of Teams is a great resource regarding the need...

Change Partners Co-Founds Europe-Wide Change Competency Builders Network
Change Partners joins forces with 7 other European Prosci partners to form the network of The Change Competency Builders. Why we think it will be beneficial to our clients? In Europe there are many companies that have sites in multiple countries, that could be serviced more consistently in applying change...

Equipping Organizations for Rapid Change
Article by Michelle Haggerty - COO of Prosci Sometimes we change because we want to. Sometimes we change because we have to. Due to COVID-19, people and organizations around the globe are adapting to involuntary changes of all kinds. How we choose to use this time will determine how we...

Leading Remote Teams
How to harness the full capability of a scattered (and frazzled) team “Now more than ever we need leaders who can both calm the storm and ignite the brilliance of their teams.” Suddenly people everywhere are working from home in an attempt to contain COVID-19. We find ourselves working in...

Recession Babies
Microsoft, Apple, Disney, IBM, Airbnb, Uber What do these entities have in common? They're iconic leaders of their industries. And they were all formed during recessions. We're almost certainly in a recession right now. The official scorekeepers won't call it that until we have two quarters of negative growth, but...

Change Management and Project Management: a Side-by-Side Comparison
The disciplines of change management and project management are both necessary when executing a project or initiative. Each discipline brings the critical structure needed for effectively implementing change and achieving the results you want. Yet, change management and project management must work together to achieve successful change. Doing so creates...

Resistance Checklist - Best Practices for Managing Resistance to Change
Prosci's Resistance Checklist draws from benchmarking research with over 900 participants and the feedback and input of hundreds of training participants. The checklist can be used as an audit tool to see if you are utilizing best practices in managing resistance. 1. Are you expecting and planning for resistance? When...

10 Questions Employees Will Have About any Change
Managing and supporting front-line employees through change is essential for the success of your project. To that end, equipping your managers and supervisors with the right tools is equally important. Training plans and communication outlines can get you moving in the right direction, but being prepared for the most common questions...

ADKAR: Core to the People Side of Change
The Prosci ADKAR Model was developed by Jeff Hiatt in 1996 and first published in a white paper titled "The Perfect Change" in 1999. Following nearly a decade of research by Prosci on the model, the first book on ADKAR was released in 2006 titled ADKAR: A Model for Change...

Change Management in 10 Minutes
What is Change Management? Change management is the application of a structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change to achieve the desired outcome. Change management is: A process used by project teams to manage the system, process and organizational changes A leadership competency for...