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Archives: Changepartners Stories

Changepartners Stories

Creation of the OIXIO group

Customer need

The merger of the IT companies Columbus Estonia, Columbus Lithuania and OIXIO into a joint group and under the single OIXIO Group brand. In addition to well-thought-out customer communication and the creation of new brand content, the change also required rethinking the internal processes and achieving the acceptance of all employees. The company’s strategy was renewed, and the visuals (CVI, homepage, etc.), domains, work processes and services were changed too.

Our solution

  • A holistic process (0.5 years) for managing the human factor in this change to achieve employee support and buy-in
  • Implementation support and change strategy workshops for the leadership team
  • Advice to Workstreams on designing change and creating implementation plans
  • Certifying and consulting the project manager

Results & Feedback

A change project is implemented successfully and within the desired time frame. Obtained a strong mandate from employees for the change and prevented/overcame resistance.

Feedback from Ivo Suursoo, Chairman of the OIXIO Group:

Implementation of new work processes in the leading design company Esplan

Customer need

Create and implement a common project management process and tools to achieve greater efficiency in day-to-day operations, support customer and employee satisfaction and rapid organizational growth.

While different approaches had been in place until now, the aim was to achieve a situation where the organization operates under a single agreed process.

Our solution

    • Design agency Velvet led the mapping and alignment of the client’s work processes, Change Partners supported the implementation of these processes and tools by providing a holistic process (0.5 years) for change management.
    • Workshops with management and change agents to create implementation and communication plans. Launching and preparing a network of employee change champions to support implementation.
    • Gamification solution for embedding new work processes
  • Results

    More effective implementation of new work processes through an employee-inclusive approach.

    Read a longer success story from Velvet’s blog:

    Leadership Pipeline programs in Swedbank

    Client need

    In 2019, Swedbank conducted a cross-group management culture survey, which showed that approaches to successful management had been approached quite differently in different parts of the organization. Although the organization performed excellently, the group’s management understood that in the long run, Swedbank needed to update its management system and management culture to meet the needs of the modern operating environment and, above all, the modern organization.

    Our solution

    Under the leadership of Leadership Pipeline (LP) Sweden, the development programs of LP leading others and leading leaders were completed for Swedbank and implemented by Change Partners in Estonia. As a result of the 4-day program, all participants analyzed their daily work as a leader, found exact places where the managed team or manager himself would need support, and formulated a development plan that would be implemented with the support of the development partner.

    Leader of Others program overview and structure:

    Results & feedback

    In 2021, three groups of Swedbank Estonia completed the LPI program in Estonia, and an additional two groups are planned for 2022, with a total of more than 100 participants. To the same extent, the program is taking place simultaneously in Sweden, Latvia, and Lithuania.

    We measured knowledge, attitudes, and behavior before the training, immediately after the training, and 3 months after the end of the program. The results are benchmarked against the average of the training impact assessments collected by the international training auditor Peopleway.

    The rate of application of the principles and skills acquired during the program is particularly significant – three months after the program, participants apply 80% of their learning and this is reflected in their daily activities. This is 37% higher than the international average.

    Feedback from participants

    “The program helped to raise awareness of how many people we as leaders influence with our leadership style! And that we actually achieve many of our results through those people. I received good insights and tools to use for developing and motivating my team, as well as for setting goals (ie how to structure goals to be more acceptable and measurable).”

    “When listening to other leaders in my group work, I always got new ideas on how to develop my team and delegate tasks so that people with different profiles would find new output. In addition, this training motivates to pay more attention to leadership activities. From the survey my team members answered before the training, I found out my own bottlenecks that need special attention.”

    Organizational Culture Development Program for Creating and Implementing Values in Estonian Energy

    Client Need

    When the market opened, Eesti Energia faced new choices and was in need of upgrading the company’s strategy and values. We helped them to develop new values which corresponded to the new circumstances. The goal, therefore, was to develop new contemporary values meeting the new circumstances throughout the group level by enhancing cooperation between different subsidiaries and entities, increasing employee entrepreneurship and promoting the creation of an innovative culture.

    Our Solution

    • In collaboration with the customer, we planned a two-year program for the development and deployment of values.
    • First, we conducted 12 employee focus groups to map the current situation, then value creation seminars with the management group, followed by a dialogue forum for 250 executive employees to increase their involvement.
    • Together with the customer we then developed a dialogue map of values for the group’s 7,000 employees.
    • We trained value ambassadors who had discussions with all the employees in the group within three months using the dialogue map.
    • Following the project, we continued cooperation to integrate values into the HR strategy and the business processes in general.
    • We developed a group-wide system for assessing and developing competencies and supported managers in the integration of values.


    • Cost-effective and efficient communication of values to 7,000 employees by using the dialogue map. It launched a dialogue of values across the organization and achieved a high commitment to new values.
    • Active involvement of 250 executive employees and value ambassadors in the development of values.
    • Businesses of Eesti Energia are more united and they “speak the same language”.
    • PARE (Estonian HR Association) selected the project as one of the TOP 3 projects of the year.


    Eesti Energia’s management chose this project into the TOP 3 of the most important and influential activities of 2013.

    Supporting business restructuring in a leading worldwide shipping group

    Client need

    • Business restructuring and transferring service processes between different locations for cost reduction, improved management of volume volatility and allowing centers to develop different competencies.
    • Minimal interruption of key business processes through well-planned re-skilling and fast adoption by 400 employees.

    Our solution

    • Provided a shared framework and methodology for planning and managing the change
    • Facilitated a several month change accelerator process for project and management teams: a strategy day for defining the change challenge, Prosci Change Practitioner program and follow-up group coaching
    • Change workshops for apx 40 people managers to provide knowledge and ability to support their teams through change
    • ADKAR surveys to measure adoption of change among employees and adjust change strategy


    • Successfully implemented change project, faster and less disruptive change
    • Planned ROI of 5.1 million dollars


    “When embarking on the restructuring project, we were looking for someone to support us – someone that understands international perceptions of change within different cultures and can lead us through. For someone that could help us build know-how and strategy to impact a high volume of people from different angles and keep us united through the transformation journey. Change Partners did exactly that and more.”

    “Without Change Partners and the concepts of Prosci, we could have faced attrition, potential loss of customer satisfaction and definitely delays in the project transferring to unsuccessful ROI.”

    “They helped us transform the mindsets of hundreds of employees in a very small time frame and keep us as a company on track and successful in reaching our goals. And most importantly – united in all levels of organization, speaking the same language of change.”

    – Ethel Genergard – Head of CMA CGM GBS Estonia

    KESTA – a Succession Program for Middle Managers in the Civil Service


    Change Partners conducted a Leadership Succession Program for middle managers in the Estonian civil service. It was an innovative and practical development program for ambitious first-level leaders.

    KESTA program provided a cooperation network, new knowledge and tools, and experience needed to succeed in leadership roles. The program aimed to help ensure the strong future growth of middle managers for the Estonian state. And to increase the readiness and confidence of the participants to accept the role associated with higher management responsibilities in the future.

    Our solution

    We developed and implemented a comprehensive leadership development program for four groups.

    The program consisted of 6 modules:

    Module I – A modern and forward-looking leader in the public sector
    Module II – Leader as a good self-leader and developer
    Module III – The leader as a designer and innovator of the field
    Module IV – The leader as a human and team developer
    Module V – The leader as a representative, negotiator, influencer, and spokesperson of the field
    Module VI – Planning for change projects, visits to companies, and final seminar

    The program was supported by various activities to enhance what has been learned: manager’s tools, planning and implementation of a change project, work shadowing, group coaching, visits to companies with innovative management, individual development map, etc.







    • Numbers from the KESTA program that took place in 2018-2020:





    • It was decided to order the program for 6 more groups. In 2021-2023, a total of 140 managers will participate in the program.


    “Super trainers and examples from life itself!”Agriculture and Food Board

    “A significant increase in self-awareness, I use the knowledge gained almost daily.”Ministry of the Interior

    “A very diverse and interesting program. A lot has been done within the course, but the main work is still ahead – with the help of a whole suitcase full of tools!”Police and Border Guard Board

    “I believe my leadership and management style has changed, it’s more informed, more strategic, and broader in perspective. I feel like I grew as a person which helped me grow as a leader.”Social Insurance Board

    “The topics covered in the course have given me more confidence and expanded my skills to cope with different situations. The tools that have been shared have been very practical and easy to incorporate into my work.”State Chancellery


    Improving change management competences and processes in Directo

    Client need

    Directo is a leading ERP solutions provider in Estonia. Success for them, like other business software providers, depends largely on how well their customers are able to implement new business solutions. However, often customers themselves do not have sufficient awareness and ability to implement IT changes well. The aim of the project was to help the team of Directo project managers implement the change management process and tools into implementation projects.

    Our solution

    • We certified two Directo board members in the Prosci Change Practitioner program, providing an overview of Prosci’s overall methodology for managing change projects
    • We conducted Prosci’s change management program for Directo project managers, during which they gained a better understanding of the change process and the ADKAR model for managing adoption.
    • We supported the team of project managers in the implementation of the change management process and tools in their daily work, including providing help with complex implementation cases
    • We trained a team of project managers to use DiSC-based communication strategies


    • A total of 20 Directo project managers, members of the sales team and management were involved in the project. Feedback from all participants on the program was high.
    • The change management methodology was implemented in the processes and is used in the company.


    “Change Partners is our reliable and high-quality training partner, whose help has taken our service quality to a new level. Managing change and involving people is key to the success of any software project. Prosci’s change management program provided Directo project managers with not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills and tools to support customers in major changes.” – Berit Veske, CEO


    Supporting state reform of Estonia and mergers of several public sector organisations

    Client need

    As one of the activities of the state reform, the merging of various state agencies operating in a similar field was carried out in order to achieve a more efficient and effective performance of state tasks and the provision of higher quality services. In the period 2020-2021, work was started in four newly formed joint agencies: the Transport Administration, the Education and Youth Board, the Agriculture and Food Board, and the Environment Board.

    The State Support Services Center, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, wanted to provide central support to the heads of the merging agencies in implementing the change. They commissioned a development program to raise their awareness of change management principles and develop their skills in managing both processes and people.

    Our solution

    Change Partners put together an interactive and hands-on workshop-based training program that provided participants with immediately applicable methods and tools for planning and implementing change. The program’s aim was to define roles and responsibilities in the change process, and the opportunity to work together to plan for further change.

    The program consisted of two training days, individual work on a change project, and virtual follow-up support for two months.


    • A total of 200 managers participated in the development program, and today the program has been extended to managers and employees of other civil service agencies
    • Participants acquired a practical model for better managing themselves and others in change and developed an action plan to create the factors needed to implement change

    Feedback from participating managers

    “The training made me think more about how much is really needed to make the change work. Good tools can bring a lot of clarity to change.”

    “The training was structured logically, its content was interesting and easy to follow. The greatest value of the training was the system it gave me for understanding what stage we are in with our organization at the moment.”

    “Very good and relevant training that is very applicable in everyday practice. This training is important for everyone in front of changes.”

    Developing Leadership Quality at Playtech

    Client Need

    Playtech is the world’s largest supplier of online gaming and sports betting software. It’s one of Estonia’s 5 unicorns and they provide cutting-edge, value-added solutions to the industry’s leading operators.

    One of the most important questions for the Playtech HR team has inevitably been: how can they support their leaders in their growth? They decided to focus on growing leadership competencies and unifying their leadership practices.

    Our Solution

    • Together with Playtech’s HR team, Change Partners helped to create Playtech’s first-ever global development program for new managers, with all people leads from different countries brought together. We held 38 sessions (equal to 86 hours of training time) over a 10-month period for three groups of managers – in total 90 managers.
    • Fully virtual training program, using Zoom, polls and other interactive elements

    The program consisted of a kick-off session and 5 modules:

    MODULE 1 – My Job as a Manager

    MODULE 2 – Understanding myself and my team

    MODULE 3 – Managerial Communication – why, what, when and how?

    MODULE 4 – Building commitment and ability in your team

    MODULE 5 – Coaching based Leadership

    Modules were supported by leading development tools like Everything DiSC Workplace profiles, Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Behaviors of a Winning Team, as well as different coaching and change management tools to ensure implementation on the job.

    Additionally, Playtech’s top and middle managers were also provided a separate leadership development program to equip them in leadership roles and assure sponsorship to the project. The top-level program focused on building a winning team; strategic thinking and communication; sponsor role in developing leaders and coaching-based leadership.

    Results through the client’s eyes

    “Nothing helps more than a great partner who tries to understand your needs but has a strong backbone to also tell you if the requirements you want to set are not the wisest. Our recommendation to all other organizations is to choose the best of the best – this partner might cost more but as you have limited time, you need to take the maximum out of it.”

    “The biggest victory moment of the whole process for us was seeing the “eureka” moments on the screen when, after practicing, someone discovered the impact of a newly learned tool or when we could detect a clear shift in a manager’s mind. One could not expect better feedback to their work done.”

    Leadership Pipeline development program for Velvet team leads

    Client need

    Design agency Velvet had reached a stage in its development where the current structure no longer enabled the company to be managed effectively and to provide sufficient support to its people. They decided to create a layer of middle-level managers by promoting people from within the company to this role. For the new leaders to have better preparation and management tools in their new role and a common understanding of the responsibilities of the leader, we conducted a Leadership Pipeline management program at Velvet.

    Our solution

    The main goals of our 6-month program were:

      • Set common standards for Velvet’s management levels and describe expectations for different management levels
      • Create clarity on what it means to be a Velvet leader, what skills and behaviors are needed and how to develop as a leader
      • Lay a foundation for a leadership-based culture that is based on taking responsibility

    Overview and structure of the Leader of Others program:


    We measured knowledge, attitudes, and behavior before the training, immediately after the training and 3 months after the end of the program. The results are benchmarked against the average of the training impact assessments collected by the international training auditor Peopleway.

    The rate of application of the principles and skills acquired during the program is particularly significant – 3 months after the program, participants apply 80% of their learning and this is reflected in their daily activities. This is 37% higher than the international average.


    Velvet CEO Pärtel Vurma

    “The biggest benefits and impact of the LPI program came from understanding the role and goals of a leader and in better organizing my work. Understanding that as a leader I achieve my goals through the success of others is important because these people used to be top specialists, whose success then depended primarily on individual contribution. This fundamental principle now allows managers to better understand their role, plan time, and prioritize tasks. This is especially true for those who, in addition to the role of team leader, continue to play the role of top specialists.

    The tools learned in the program were also very useful in helping team leaders set goals for themselves and their team, provide feedback, delegate tasks, and build and develop a team.

    One of the most valuable parts of this program for us was the opportunity to discuss the company’s goals and processes, as well as issues related to cooperation and development. Very well-structured and third-party moderated discussions on various topics gave us the opportunity to agree on principles that had not been explicitly described before. In addition, the program gave us a common and clear vocabulary to use for these conversations. It is a kind of long-term value tool that we have continued to use since participating in the program.

    In conclusion, Velvet and I are only at the beginning of this journey, but a very strong foundation has been laid thanks to the Change Partners’ LPI program. From here, the development will take place on a much stronger basis. There is a lot of experimentation in our field, and we value and even encourage it in our team and culture. A strong foundation and a well-run organization give you the confidence to be creative and experimental. It allows us to keep moving forward towards our goals with confidence. ”